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Toyota RAV4

RwF 4 000 000
Ic time small
Ad halittaAvril 12
Ic time small
Ad halittaAvril 12
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Game daToyota RAV4

+23768 068 8734
Engine1,3 L
Mileage33,000 km
Body type
Kalar jikiSUV‒4x4
Fuel type
Irin maiPetrol
Air con
Drive type
Tsarin tukiHagu
ConditionNa hannu

Sellers comment

Use the safest, easiest way to import this car from the UAE with our global partner Dubi Cars. We give you peace of mind with two inspections, video, transfer of ownership, 24/7 assistance and quality shipping. Get your FREE Import Quote today!

Since we don’t know each other and you can’t pay for the car until you see it I have decided that I will send the car to you first before you pay for it but inorder for me to be sure and know that you will buy the car after I spend my time and money to send car to you under your name,pay taxes and registration under your names once it reaches your border, I shall need a commitment to buy fee first of just $500.This fee is to proof to me that you are serious and that you will take the car once it arrives.The reason I am asking for this commitment fee is because in the past many people have been telling me to send cars to them before they pay and I have been doing that and it has always landed me to losses because once I send the cars to them and it arrives these clients will tell me they don’t have full amount to pay thereby making me to incur losses.Just imagine after using my money to bring the car to you and pay for taxes under your names and make all documents and plate number und

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Soyez Prudents
  • En aucun cas ne payez en avance.
  • Inspectez le véhicule avant de l'acheter. Demandez des documents.
  • Vérifiez les informations relatives au propriétaire et à l'enregistrement du véhicule.
  • Donnez rendez-vous au vendeur dans un endroit public et n'y allez pas seul.
  • Payez après avoir vu et reçu le véhicule. Demandez un reçu.
  • Attention aux véhicules sous-évalués. Si c'est trop beau pour être vrai, faites attention.
Call the seller
+23768 068 8734

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RwF 4 000 000
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+23768 068 8734
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